OAK CODERS - Home Page
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"When I read commentary about suggestions for where C should go, I often think back
and give thanks that it wasn't developed under the advice of a worldwide crowd." Dennis Ritchie.


Info about authors

Nickname / Full Name: a.k.a Utroz / Raphael Santana Carvalho

Birth Date: 13/12/1989

Areas of interest:
- C / Learning Python.
- Assembly x86 (AT&T);
- Free Software / GNU;
- Operating Systems (Linux Kernel);
PS: Actually, I'd like to create a new one by myself.
- Embedded Systems Programming (MSP430).

utroz (at) oakcoders (dot) com


Nickname / Full Name: a.k.a Kaddoush / Pablo Sousa Aguiar
Birth Date: 01/09/1990

Areas of interest:
- C Language Programming;
- Embedded Systems Programming.

kaddoush (at) oakcoders (dot) com

Do you have any question? Contact us.